
 Fine Line Volunteers 


Volunteers are the heart and soul of Fine Line.

Your time, energy, and skills make possible everything we do.

As a small non-profit organization, Fine Line relies on volunteers to provide basic goods and services. This frees our income from class enrollments and fundraising efforts to pursue our mission of bringing art and arts education to the community.

Have a positive impact on Fine Line and get the satisfaction of your commitment to the mission.

 Volunteer Opportunities

 Hospitality: We present several openings annually of new shows in the Kavanagh Gallery, usually on Fridays or Saturdays. Volunteers provide beverages and finger food and help set up before and clean up after the events. Other events, such as the Fine Line Arts Festival in June, needs volunteers to register guests and provide information and to help with food service, the various arts events, set up, and clean up.
Gallery: The Gallery Committee organizes and mounts all of our gallery shows, including the physical work of unpacking, curating, hanging, and repacking the works of art. This all-volunteer committee is central to the mission of Fine Line. It also juries and curates the works of students, faculty, and artist members of Fine Line that are displayed in the Dempsey Gallery.

 Gardening: The garden areas surrounding the central campus are extensive. To keep them looking good requires considerable work from May through October. Clean up, planting, weeding, and watering are performed entirely by volunteers.


Prairie: The prairie areas surrounding the entry and to the north of the central campus are all managed. Volunteer professionals are licensed for burns and authorized chemical control of invasive species. Additional volunteers are always needed to assist our prairie mavens with burns, clean up, path maintenance, and seed collection and distribution.

Buildings and Maintenance: Many material needs arise at a facility like Fine Line that fall somewhere between major construction and everyday maintenance. Experienced and/or enthusiastic volunteers are always needed for structural and trim carpentry, cabinet-making, stone masonry, painting, specialty maintenance, and the like.

The Goods: While volunteer labor is crucial to Fine Line, often ignored are volunteers’ provision of the goods and materials connected with the tasks they undertake. Whether it is the food and beverages provided by the Hospitality Committee or the wood purchased by a cabinet-maker for shelves in the yarn shop, these contributions that accompany volunteers’ time and energy go a long way toward saving Fine Line’s monetary resources for the larger mission.
Interested in Volunteering?

This is a good way to get involved at Fine Line and to join in our community of art and friendship.

Eileen is waiting to hear from you: eileen@fineline.org or 630-584-9443