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Alan Shontz



Regular price $230.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $230.00 USD
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This class is for the student that has completed Intro to Glassblowing.  You will learn how to make additional shapes, how to manage heat in the glass and continue to build on the fundamentals of Glassblowing and learning new techniques.

Supplies: We supply safety glasses (if you wear glasses for both distance and reading those are fine), please wear closed toe shoes, non-synthetic clothes and bring water. Feel free to take pictures if you like. Note: For safety, classes will be rescheduled should the heat index exceed 95 during class time.

Location: Glass blowing studio

Sign-up instructions:

#1 Check the calendar below to see what dates/ times are available.

#2 Add the class to your cart and go to checkout

#3 Please put your class day and time preference in the "order special instruction" box at checkout.

#4 or call the shop (630-584-9443) to select your class date/ time.

Class Price: $215 (2 hour time slot)

Materials: $15


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